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If you find one of our advertising partners ads to be offensive or not something you feel should be on Fetishmen, please submit a ticket or email advertising@fetishmen.net and we will review your concern anonymously and will report it to the advertiser for further review.  

Transparency is important. Knowing how something is processed can bring a calm to a stressful situation. We want people to understand the complaint process and how we handle abuse situations. When you submit your concern/complaint the following happens. 1. Your ticket is categorized into different topics. Those include: - Abuse - Support - Advertising - Billing & Memberships - Other 2. Once assigned, the team involved with that topic is notified 24/7 on their phones and email. 3. The...

One of the things we strongly believe is our users need to be respectful to everyone. If you are in chat and are having issues with a user, click on the user you are having issues with - the menu below will come up. Once you can see the menu, click on "Report A User". Fill out the form that comes up and click send. One of our Moderators or Admins will receive the report and will act as soon as possible on the issue.    When you click  report, it will send us a copy of the last f...