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How We Handle Abuse

Transparency is important. Knowing how something is processed can bring a calm to a stressful situation. We want people to understand the complaint process and how we handle abuse situations. When you submit your concern/complaint the following happens.

1. Your ticket is categorized into different topics. Those include:

- Abuse

- Support

- Advertising

- Billing & Memberships

- Other

2. Once assigned, the team involved with that topic is notified 24/7 on their phones and email.

3. The complaint is then reviewed by a member of our team. We look at the complaint itself,  any proof you send with the complaint and if the member has other complaints against them of similar nature.

4. We then send out a warning or termination of account to the member involved. 

5. The account is documented with the action taken for internal use only.

We hope this shows you that our purpose is to create a fun and dynamic place for you and others to enjoy!